Awaken Your Inner Hero- 12-week Coaching Program




Are you feeling desperately empty despite having achieved “success”? Do you have a strong desire to leave it all and start over? Awaken your Inner Hero and awaken to your new life… without necessarily having to leave your old one. Through this program, you will discover your dominant archetypes; your major energetic influences. Then through coaching and playsheets completed between sessions, you will come to know your gifts and strengths. You’ll then find you can rely on inner wisdom and live authentically.

The term the Hero’s Journey was first introduced by Joseph Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces in 1949. Campbell points out that there is a common motif found in mythologies around the world as well as the storylines of modern books and movies. The three main stages of the Hero’s Journey are Separation, Initiation, and Return. These correspond to the three phases of the “Awaken Your Inner Hero” program.

The three phases of the Awaken Your Inner Hero program are:

  • Phase 1: Separation-Going Within During the first several sessions we will explore your needs, values, and archetypal profile; the energetic patterns most active in your life right now. Often clients discover that they are not who they thought they were. Their discontent with the gap between who they really are and who they have been pretending to be urges them forward. We will also explore the allies and strengths which will aid you on the journey.
  • Phase 2: Initiation- Discovery of Gifts and the True Self In the second phase, the journey commences in earnest. Known in mythology as the “road of trials”, the client discovers her unique gifts. These are often discovered through our sacred wounds, which naturally rise to the surface. Often the desire to live our authentic truth becomes paramount during this phase and we are willing to make sacrifices to achieve integrity.
  • Phase 3: Ascent- Returning At some time during the coaching, there is a shift from discovering one’s gifts to sharing those gifts with the world. In this phase of the coaching, the client begins to embody their values and live their gifts. In the final session, there is a chance to celebrate the journey that has been completed, and the larger one that has just begun.

When you awaken your inner Hero it opens a world of new perceptions and possibilities. By living your deepest values you find joy and inner peace that withstands life’s ups and downs. I would love to support you on this Hero’s Journey.

Call 631-716-5352 or Click Here to schedule a curiosity call.
