Launch Your Growth- A 6-week Coaching Program




Do you feel like you you are ready for a change? The 6-week Launch Your Growth package will help you gain the clarity to envision your transformation and the guidance to make it happen. Through this program, you will become aware of your values and the changes you desire. Then through building on your strengths you will acknowledge and plan for obstacles while nurturing positive emotions and motivation. This program utilizes coaching and playsheets completed between sessions to help kickstart the transformation you desire.

The three phases of the Launch Your Growth program are:

  • Sessions 1 & 2: Goals, Values & Strengths During the first two sessions we will explore your goals, values, and strengths. You’ll begin by becoming aware of your satisfaction in different life domains (such as career, family, and health) and envisioning the life you want. Then by distilling your values and strengths you will determine meaningful goals. Your strengths will reveal the resources that will help you achieve them.
  • Sessions 3 & 4: Change & Overcoming In the next two sessions, drawing on your strengths and guided by your goals you will refine a plan of action and begin to take steps to fulfill it. We also discover the obstacles you may face and how you can effectively navigate them. 
  • Sessions 5 & 6: Cultivating the Positive & the Future In the final two sessions we will explore ways you can nourish positive emotions that will sustain you during difficulties. In the final session, there is a chance to reflect on the journey thus far and look ahead to the future. 

The evidence-based approach of this 6-week program is designed to facilitate rapid growth and transformation. It uses a strength-based approach that will foster positive emotions while motivating you to reach your goals. 

Call 631-716-5352 or Click Here to schedule a curiosity call.
