Go From Rut To Rebound

We’ve all fallen into a rut at one time or another. Whether the days drag by with the same old routine or the weeks fly by in a flurry of frantic activity, you suddenly realize it has been a long time since there has been any meaningful movement in your life. Often our first reaction is “How did this happen?” That can be a useful question if we don’t let it degenerate into an unhealthy focus on the past. There is no shame in falling into a rut, and despite how it may feel, we will not be in it forever. In fact, feeling you’re in a rut often forecasts personal growth and is instrumental in our progress.

After all, what do we really mean by “in a rut”? It’s the experience of being suddenly uncomfortable with the status quo. It’s as if we’ve awoken from a dream and suddenly know we desire something different. If harnessed that discomfort can catapult us into a more authentic and fulfilling life. There are some strategies that will help turn a rut into a rebound:

Visualize your desires.What about your current life is displeasing? What are you longing for more of? What are you willing to do today to get closer to the life you want? How do you want to move through your current circumstances? Who do you want to be? What if nothing changes? What if you change everything?

Take a risk. Don’t just visualize, take action! What if you didn’t let fear stop you? What would you do today? What would you create for tomorrow? Even if it’s something silly you want to do but normally wouldn’t allow yourself to. Step out of your comfort zone, lest it becomes a prison. Do it. Do it today.

Create a supportive environment. How can you create an environment that will support your success? Whether it’s a vase of fresh flowers, a conversation with a friend or a moment to enjoy a cup of tea, give yourself what you need. Actually, give yourself more than you need.

Invest yourself in your passions. What do you love to do? What is the work only you can do? What makes you lose yourself in the moment? Give yourself the gift of indulging your passions. It primes the well of your inner resources and will help sustain you along the way.

Getting into ruts may be a part of life but we can learn to turn them into stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks. You can use your discomfort to motivate you to create the life you desire.
