Wholeness offers gifts of self-love, authenticity, and purpose.

Maybe you don’t know wholeness is what you are seeking. Do you feel as though the flowering garden of your life has become an arid wasteland? Did you wake one day feeling utterly unfulfilled and like your life was someone else’s dream? Perhaps, you feel like you aren’t enough or you don’t know who you are anymore. Whether this feeling seemingly came out of nowhere, or you know exactly what event precipitated it, we sometimes come to a point in their lives where they feel like this. We wonder if we are losing their minds, but quite often it is something else… it is the call to become our whole selves.

If you are like I was, you don’t think you need to be whole. You are more likely to feel like you need to change who you are, to somehow carve parts of yourself out in order to be happy or successful. But haven’t you tried that already? I tried it for years and most times I just couldn’t squeeze myself into the pigeonhole I thought I was supposed to fit in. And even when I could I was left feeling that any acceptance or success I found felt empty. After all, it wasn’t the real me.

With nothing else to try, I finally started moving towards wholeness. I started to offer myself unconditional love and acceptance. I began being kind to myself rather than punishing myself for failures and mistakes. As my self-love grew I risked saying what I really wanted to say and being who I really wanted to be. I began the endless journey of wholeness…. loving all of me and being all of me.

Evolutions can help you rediscover your wholeness!

At Evolutions, we use a depth-focused strategy to help clients through the process of awakening to and expressing their whole selves. Discover the deepest part of you, that part of you that is resourceful; the part that lives by inner wisdom rather than outside expectations; and is aware of your deep connection to all of creation.

Whether you choose to receive coaching, participate in a nature therapy walk or attend a workshop, I will guide you to discover your most authentic self and build a life that reflects that. Located in Suffolk County, Long Island, NY, we have in-person and virtual offerings.

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Susan is a Certified Professional Coach and received her training from Leadership That Works, and a Certified Nature & Forest Therapy Guide with ANFT (Association for Nature & Forest Therapy). She is also a certified Wild Woman Project Circle Leader.

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