Engaging the Innocent

By engaging the Innocent in her positive aspects, we can bring a renewed faith and optimism throughout our journey. To learn more about the Innocent archetype read The Innocent Archetype- source of faith and optimism, denial and escapism.

Inner Work

Simply becoming more conscious of an archetype helps bring the positive aspects of an archetype into our lives. Use your journal to explore the following questions.

  • Write about past hard times and how you got through. What inner resources were you able to draw on? How has the Universe supported you even when particular situations or people let you down?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how much or how little is the Innocent being expressed in your life? During which times of your life was the Innocent expressed more or less than the present? Do you see it emerging more in the future? Is it expressed differently in different areas of your life?
  • Who, among those you know seems to personify the Innocent archetype? Who among celebrities? How do you react to these people?
  • How do you feel about how you are expressing the Innocent in your life? Is there anything you wish were different?
  • What brought you joy as a child or evokes innocence in the present? What solitary activities made you lose track of time back then? What makes you lose track of time now?
  • What are you thankful for? What in your life is working well? Who in your life is supportive?

Outer Work

Nothing can replace the value of action; to bring the Innocent out of your journal and into your life, try these tips.

  • Pick at least one thing you listed that evoked innocence and joy, either as a child or now, and spend 30 minutes doing it.
  • The way of knowing associated with the Innocent is Sensing. What delights your five senses? Take a specific action to bring one or more of those things into your daily life.
  • If possible, spend an hour with an infant, toddler or young child. Follow his/her lead.
  • Take a “wonder walk”. Take a walk while noticing the beauty and wonder around you, state aloud what you notice, perhaps using the phrase suggested by Frank MacEowen in Celtic Way of Seeing, “Beautiful is __________, Beautiful too is _____________.”
  • Mindfully observe a sunrise.
  • Express or describe the Innocent Archetype creatively. Perhaps use painting, collage or movement portray this part of yourself.