As we explored in What the (bleep) is an archetype? And why should I care? Archetypes are the colored glasses through which we view the world. The first archetype we encounter in our lifetime is the Innocent. The Innocent archetype is the part of us that trusts ourselves, other people and the Universe. This part of you remains optimistic and resilient even in the bleakest of nights. She is unselfconscious, therefore free to be transparent. She lives in the experience of the oneness of all things and strives to maintain her safety and belonging.
Like all the archetypes, however, the Innocent archetype has shadow aspects as well. The Innocent is often prone to naïveté and denial. She would rather bury her head in the sand than face that things may not be perfect. She also has a tendency towards either/or thinking, which places the stakes of every decision very high. Anything less than perfect may be perceived as horrible. The shadow innocence may also be expressed as any number of addictions and other modes of escapism. There is a propensity for obsessions and fanaticism. Another dysfunctional strategy is a Peter-Pan-like irresponsibility and recklessness.
This archetype’s coping methods are relatively primitive and include internalizing criticisms and feelings of guilt. This can lead to denial as mentioned before, or it may lead to blind conformity to ensure security. Should all other strategies fail, the Innocent will seek rescue from others.
The Innocent Archetype and the Heroine’s Journey
Innocence paradoxically is dominant both at the beginning of the journey and at its end. In its original form, as described above, it typically shows up in myth as the “Paradise Lost” early in the tale. At the end of the journey, many of the same characteristics are displayed in the Sacred Fool/Trickster archetype, the final of the twelve archetypes of the heroine’s journey.
Even though innocence is most dominant in these two archetypes, it is a constant resource to the emerging Heroine. It is the light of faith in the dark night.
To learn how to engage your Innocent read Engaging the Innocent.