HALT I AM ME! Self-care for Occasional Hopelessness

Feeling hopeless, like you might as well give up? Don’t just yet. While the solution to your problem may be complicated, the solution to your feeling may not be. Self-care is indispensable in helping us cope with difficult circumstances and emotions.

HALT is an acronym that stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. Originally it was used in the recovery community as a self-care checklist when experiencing a sudden desire to drink. Many others have found it helpful for relieving stress.

While HALT is helpful, I believe there are four other factors that make us feel hopeless, and more likely to make decisions we’ll regret. I AM ME fills in the missing links. It stands for Illness, Altered Mood, Mastery, and Exercise.

Hungry. Eat a healthy snack or meal. We can’t cope well when we are low on fuel.

Angry. Don’t give up out of anger, it will pass. Just admitting we feel angry can help us see it may not be a great time to make major decisions.

Lonely. Socialize- even if you don’t feel like it. Like food refuels the body, comradery and laughter can refuel the spirit.

Tired. Physical fatigue breeds emotional fatigue- take a rest. It make not feel productive, but it will pay off.

Illness. Take care of your body. Whether that means rest, a visit to a physician or life-style changes, a healthy body helps us have a healthy mind and life.

Altered Mood. If you’re feeling like giving up, avoid mood altering drugs. It may seem like a drink or other substance will make you feel better, but they often just intensify our current mood.

Mastery. Do something that gives you a sense of mastery. Spending time doing something you are good at, whether it’s cooking, playing sports or music, or organizing you closet will help break that dark feeling.

Exercise. Get your body moving, your motivation will follow. The adage “move a muscle, change a thought” is surprisingly effective.

Occasional feelings of hopelessness or “what’s the use” are normal and can often be remedied with a little self-care. HALT I AM ME will help you remember a few things that are likely to break a dark mood.
